I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to triangles, which is no surprise to anyone reading my reviews. They aren’t clever or interesting and the suggestion of one is enough for me to say no thanks to a burgeoning cozy series. I was wary with the first book in the series, but I loved just about every character. The one character I didn’t like is the same I have no patience for in this entry. I don’t find cleverly named abrasive police officer’s that makes free with misogynistic colloquialisms charming. I don’t believe two characters constantly locked in combative conversations is the breeding ground for romance, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
I almost didn’t review this book because I was afraid the Book 3 teaser might negatively impact my rating, but I’m a big girl. The second entry in the series was just as enjoyable as the first. Kath is growing at a steady and believable pace. She’s a good character and I like her quite a bit. The supporting cast had some new additions in this entry, but I found the newcomers as welcome as the old and look forward to discovering more of their histories and backgrounds as the series progresses. The paranormal aspect is wonderful. I find Geneva an absolute joy and her mysterious past would be enough to delight me. Her banter with Kath is wonderfully written and one of the highlights of the series. There were multiple mysteries and I managed to figure out the solution to one or two, but the big reveal was still a surprise, which is exactly how I like my mysteries. I could do without Cole/Clod Dunbar. He’s abrasive and annoying to his brother Joe’s mysterious and enigmatic, in fact maybe a bit too much of an enigma.
I don’t find Clod’s aggressive banter with Kath even remotely enjoyable. If anything it pulls me out of the story long enough for me to sigh loudly and roll my eyes. It’s difficult to rebound from being painted the ass. Frankly, the less of him the better, which brings me to my increasing trepidation with the series, especially after reading the Book 3 spoiler. I’ll read the third, but if this goes three-sided on me I’ll drop it without hesitation and without looking back. I have to say a triangle is bad, but one that includes two brothers crosses the line from do not want into will not have. There are too many series waiting for me to discover to put up with the convoluted and the annoying. Having made that snap judgment I hope I’m reading the signs all wrong and this will be a series I can enjoy for the long haul.